Labels:text | screenshot | parallel | number | font OCR: CLIENTS AND SERVERS a Characters for display, control characters Key charactors, events Terminal O MIPS Terminal and host Character only 2: 1.200bps Graphics 2 9.6000ps Host Function dalls, data Hey Characters, ments in X Window packets Terminal X-terminal 10Mbps X Window server less than 0.5 MiPS [X Window client) Comptessed Windows functions calls, data Keyed characters, events in ICA packets Network NOS Server-based execution 78.8Kbps Win Frame Database or May be less than 0.0 MBPS survor business rules server HTML data, applets Keyed characters, events in HTTP packets NC-C Client-based execution (Java) 10Mbps | Greater than 1 MiPS Database of business rutos servor HTML data, applets, files Keyed characters, events in TCP /IP, 3PX NetBEUI packets, file requests NetPC Client-based execution (Windows) 10Mbps Greater than 1 MiPS Sorver SQL responses; ( es. HTML data SQL queries; ODBC caBs, file requests PC Client-based execution (Windows) 10Mbps Greater than 1 Mai25 Figure 1. If you perform every part of an application except for the final display on a host machine of a powerful server, the display device can be low in computing power and inexpensive, and the connection can he slow. However, the NGs that are expected to execute Java or ActiveX components will need to have the same computing power as desktop PCs, as well as Ethernet speed or Higher connections to a server.