ocr: CUENTS AMD SERVERS a) Characters for display, controt charscters Key charactors, events Terminal Terminal and host Characier only : 1,200bps Grophcs: 29.6000p5 Host: 0 MIPS b) Function calis data Kay characters, ovonts in X wandow packots Terinal X-terminal 10Mbps Host XWindow sexver: less than 0.5 MIPS X. Window client) C) Compressed Windows functions gais, tata Keyed characters, events in ICA packets Natwork connection Server-based execution 28.8Kbps - WinFrame Databnse or NCS May be less thsah 0.5 MEPS orer baslnoss rulos sorvor d) HTML data, applets Keyed characters, events in HTTP packets ...